Mindfulness in life and work-life.

Mindfulness in life and work-life. Do we require to practise it? Certainly yes. Why?

It makes the foundation of our engagement and happiness in our lives and work-lives.

We the ordinary people either think most of the time for the past or future. Be it in our home or in our work area. So most of the time we live in the past or the future. Instead of learning from the past, we attach ourselves to the past. As a result, we receive pains. Similarly, instead of planning for the future, we roam in the future and attach ourselves to the future. As a result, we fill our lives with anxiety as well as make our lives more painful.

Attachment brings pains in life. How? When our mind finds time to fool around in the past and the future, the pains and sufferings crop up. As soon as we become unaware of the present moment, our stress level increases. Higher the stress, higher the blood pressure. Then we start blaming others. As we blame others, we don’t pay any attention to our self- development. So we procrastinate and our energy centres get blocked.

The present means zero time. It does not have value. It’s timeless. The past time has a negative value and the future time has a positive value, assuming that the present, the past and the future lie on the same axis. Suppose we can remain in the present. Then time vanishes. Our problems, pains and sufferings vanish.

The only option left, in my opinion, is to practise mindfulness.

Practising mindfulness

If we keep our awareness in our present moment and use our senses entirely, we can observe every detail of the jobs at hand. Just observe with senses, feelings with no interpretation and no judgement. What will happen to us? Our perception of observation as well as awareness will change. We will become more aware of our jobs. As a result, we will enjoy the process of doing jobs. It is mindfulness.
If we can make mindfulness our way of life, we can live every moment of life to the fullest.

It improves the quality of jobs and reduces rework as well. At the same time, it boosts up our energy and our jobs interest.  As a result, the frequency of accidents in workplace drops, the percentage of our job involvement increases.

Similarly, we can consciously do any household jobs with mindfulness. Then those jobs don’t consume our energy. Rather they make us happy. So mindfulness makes our lives more enjoyable. For further study, you can use https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/Thich%20Nhat%20Hanh%20-%20The%20Miracle%20of%20Mindfulness.pdf

Why don’t you give a try to practise mindfulness in your life?


  1. This made me think of a verse from the Bible. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “…do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?” (Matthew 6: 25-27).

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