How did I feel to share moments with my college friends?

“I haven’t seen you in a while, yet I often imagine all your expressions. I haven’t spoken to you recently, but many times I hear your thoughts. Good friends must not always be together. It is the feeling of oneness, when distant that proves a lasting.”

-Orson Welles.

The invitation gave us moments to share

Recently, Debabrata, one of my best friends arranged the ring ceremony of his daughter in Delhi. So he invited his close friends and their families. I was one of them. So we flew from Kolkata to Delhi Airport at 1 AM on July 7, 2019, to attend it.

My elder son who was at Noida went to the airport for taking us to the guesthouse in Delhi. We reached the Guesthouse at 2 AM. At 6 AM, Parimal, my other friend rang me to know how to reach the guest house from Gurgaon. They also would share the same with us. They would drive from Gurgaon to Delhi and reach by 11 AM. As I did not know much about Delhi, so I went to the caretaker and requested my friend to talk to him. Thus he came to know how to reach the guest house.

How did we share moments

You can understand I could not sleep even for 3 hours. Still, I was not tired. Why? I was very much excited to see my friends. Why? As I did not meet some of my friends after my pass out in 1982 from BHU-IT, I was so much eager to relive those days of BHU in the presence of our friends. Parimal and his family came around 10-40 AM. Debabrata and his wife came to us at the same time. All of us went to the place of Debabrata to take part in the rituals.

In the afternoon, Parimal and I took rest on the same bed. But most of the time we were stirring the memories of those old days of BHU. We stopped only when we slept. We slept for an hour. It refreshed us. We all got ready by 7 PM and the ladies made us capture the moments of our togetherness.

Share happy moments

Then we went to the India Habitat centre for attending the ring ceremony. The other friends were waiting there for us. All our excitements ended when we hugged each other. Our faces brightened and hearts melted. Our smiles bloomed like flowers. The presence of the cheerful ladies was like the sweet fragrance of the beautiful flowers. We at once went to the old days of BHU. Our conversations were as sweet as the chirps of birds early in the morning.


Share moments

The above pictures showed how we shared moments together.

We are so grateful for the invitation

Thank you so much Debabrata for inviting us to the ring ceremony. You not only invited us but also gave us the opportunity to have the feelings of togetherness. All of us surely enjoyed every moment and felt so happy. Thank so much, our friends. Let’s us share moments together. Let’s enjoy the rest of our lives too.

“Life is short, and if we enjoy every moment of every day, then we will be happy no matter what happens or what changes along the way.”

-Gretchen Bleiler.

I dedicate this post to my friends.
I must close here with this beautiful quote of Baltasar Gracian.

True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island… to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.”  

Let's learn together

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