Face to face with me

Still, I have many points to talk to myself

Many reasons to quarrel with me

Many tears to shed in front of me.

Still, I fail to make friendship with me

Fail to sulk with me

Fail to live in peace with me without escaping the rest,

Yet to bloom the flowers of my self-confidence,

Yet to walk on a firm footing,

Still to pat on my back, thank, love and inspire me.

Still, I need to know and understand myself.

I need to give up ego, jealousy, violence.

Still to explore good quality within me

That’s why it’s time to find out

When I can sit face to face with me!

When the evening comes at the end of the day,

The evening stars wave their hands,

I feel discomfort inside the chest

because a lot of  the work is left to do still now

But the golden boat and the boatman have arrived for me.

face to face with me


Let's learn together

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