Right focus is the key to successful living

Right focus is the key to successful living. Why so? Because whatever we focus, grows.

Focus on health, your health will improve. Focus on your income, you will earn more. If we focus on anything negative, our life attracts negative energy. In that case, it slows down our growth. On the other hand, if we focus on the positive aspects of life, our life will attract positive energy. Hence It promotes our growth.

I advocate for this right focus on positivity. Why? Because it opens the door to positivity, growth and successful living.
Why does everybody not grow? It is a million dollar question. Here we would not attempt to answer this question. Rather we shall explore the right focus.

Exploring the right focus:

Do you know how my right focus helped in my workplace? It improved the housekeeping of shop floors.

When I took the charges of Shops of ISP, Burnpur, at once, I observed the stores and shop floors cluttered with unwanted things. So I focused first on identifying the unwanted things, mobilizing my resources, then on segregating wanted and unwanted things. I arranged to clear the clutter finally.
The housekeeping of the shops instantly improved along with identification and traceability. It not only improved the working conditions of Shops but also the morale of our employees.

If we use the right focus on our health, we have to focus every day on physical exercises, walking, taking healthy foods, enough rest and sleep. Then our health will improve definitely.

Similarly, we can use the right focus on growing our relationship with GOD, our mother, wife, children, our society and our employees.

The activities we focus on our circle of concern only increases our concerns and worries.

The activities we do in our circle of influence, not only increase our influence but also shrinks our concerns. It boosts up our growth attitude. You may want to check my post about Tips to deal with activities in circle of concern.

Right focus on the present moment

By default, either we spend much time thinking about our past experiences or apprehend our future. The attachment to the past and the future not only creates unnecessary worries but also slows down our success and growth.
Instead, if we can use the right focus in the present moment, we can do the jobs at hand with mindful attention. You may check my post about Mindfulness in life and work-life.for details of mindfulness. Then we start living the present moments effectively. It increases our world of the present. We start enjoying our lives and shrinking our worlds of the past and future.

How to carry out the right focus:

  • Focus on positive aspects of life. Do not waste your time in negativity.
  • Focus on the activities in your circle of influence.
  • Practice mindfulness in day-to-day positive activities. Be in the present
  • Enjoy every moment of life.


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