Helping is important for ourselves also

Helping others is a great virtue. It not only helps others directly, but it benefits us also. It certainly enriches our lives. The incident narrated below validates it.
The incidents dated back to the year 2003. My nephew scored low in West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination. So his rank would not get him admitted in any Government Engineering College.
That time the use of phones and mobile phones and the internet were not so in vogue. I had to use STD booth to contact with my family members at Midnapore and had to take the help of internet cafeteria at Barakar to get an idea of the available vacant seats of joint entrance for my nephew.I could remember the counselling date. However, I could not hear anything from my elder brother or nephew.

With the intention of helping my brother and nephew, I reached my home at Midnapore one day before the counselling day and saw my brother and my nephew take lunches.
I said, ” Why do not you inform me Joy will not go for counselling. then I did not move to Midnapore.”
My brother replied, “I would not be able to manage such a huge amount of tuition fees for private engineering college. So Joy would pursue his BSc physics at Bajkul college. ”
I helped them, ” which course has a better prospect for a job; Bsc or Engineering.

My brother said, ” Certainly, Engineering”.

I promised to help my nephew by paying tuition fees. As mentioned in earlier posts, I was the only earning member of our family.
Finally, helping joy admitted in Private engineering proved right when he got the job in the Bakreswar Thermal power plant.

How Helping is essential for ourselves:

• It opens our heart centre.
• Blocked energy releases.
• Our energy level improves
• Relationship improves.
• We feel good.
• This virtue purifies us and keeps us ahead in our spiritual journey


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