Circle of Concern: How to deal with the activities in it

Circle of concern that you have bothers you. Am I right? Do not worry. Everyone does so. Now the question comes how to deal with it? If you read this post, then you will come to know.

Let me explain the concepts of the Circle of Influence and Circle of concern first. Unless you know these concepts, you can not make out what these activities are. When you don’t know about the jobs within these circles, how can you deal with them? So you need to learn about these circles first.

In general, the activities you can influence come within your Circle of influence. They include self-development, interpersonal relationships, motivating, and helping others so forth.

Circle of Concern

On the other hand, the activities you can not influence come within your Circle of concern. They include sudden accidents, terrorism, weather so on so forth. How do you know what circle you belong to? If your moods go down in lousy weather, then for sure you belong to the circle of concern. Once you spend more time in this circle, then you lose your power. Then what is the way out? It is to deal with those activities effectively. Once you deal with them effectively, you increase your effectiveness.

You can read the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey in the link –

Circle of concern: Examples of activities

Suppose you can not influence the particular things. On the contrary, some outside agency can change those specific things. So what to do? You will approach the outside agency, take help, and deal with those activities. Once you do this, you come to know how to tackle activities in the Circle of concern.

Let me cite this example of my work-life at the engineering shops, ISP, Burnpur. It will undoubtedly clarify this.
The walls of machine shops looked dirty and shabby because of no whitewashing for an extended period. So the shops looked dark with poor illumination. It not only created a poor working condition but also affected the morale of the work-force. So what I did.

I, the head of the engineering shops, approached the Civil engineering department several times for whitewashing. However, it yielded no results. Then I contacted the General Manager (Mechanical), who could directly influence the Civil engineering Department for whitewashing. It paid off. How? The Civil Engineering Department started the whitewashing of walls.

Circle of concern: Tips to deal with activities

Focus most of your time in your Circle of influence. Then your influence will grow.
Know your activities in the Circle of concern. Then know who can influence those activities
Get the help of him to deal with those activities.

Once you do so, then your concerns will diminish.



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