Taking 100% responsibility- Making right responses

Taking 100 % responsibility means you are responsible for everything in my life. To be more precise, It’s you who made it happen in the past. Now it’s your turn to make it happen in the present and the future too. So you don’t blame anyone for your life.

How you respond to any event or situation brings the right outcome. So when you take 100 % responsibility as well as make the right responses, you succeed in every situation of life. How can you say so? What I experienced in work-life proves it.

As Sri Amal Das of Pattern Joining Section was not working with his own hands, I advised him, “Please work with your own hands.” He flatly refused, “As I am Mistry, I can not work with hands. The earlier Manager could not make me work with hands. When he forced me, I took the matter to the labour court”. Under those circumstances, I decided to change the situation. But how? I gradually started interacting with Sri Das daily on different issues. Finally, the ice melted. One day, he disclosed, “My foreman is dishonest. He takes out teak wood from pattern shop for personal use. So I hate to work under him.” Now I could find the reasons why he did not work with his hands.  So I redeployed all foremen in such a way that Sri Das did not report to his dishonest foreman. After a few days, Sri Das started working with his own hands.

Taking 100 % responsibility and making the right responses: Analysis

When Sri Das refused to work with hands, I forgot that outcome depended on how I responded to the particular event. It was not under my control. However, I could control how to respond to the event. But I made a mistake here. I blamed the earlier Manager and Sri Das silently in my mind. I did not take 100 % responsibility as a Leader and Head of Pattern Shop. Even I did not bother why he behaved like that. So I ordered him to work with his own hands. Consequently, It brought the outcome of failure. I did not like it. So I took 100 % responsibility for the situations created in Pattern Shop. I changed my next response by continually talking to him on different issues. Again I changed my response by deploying the dishonest foreman from the Pattern Joining section. It brought the right outcome.

Action Steps

  • Start taking 100 % responsibility for every activity you do.
  • Do not blame others for your failure.
  • Focus on making the right responses.
  • Wait for the right outcome.

People who have difficulty accepting 100 % responsibility for everything they do and choosing the right responses are less likely to succeed in life.


  1. Pradhan Da,
    Wish I could have such clarity of thinking. All your real life case studies are fabulous. We managers can learn a lot from these. Wish more of us could write such elegant and crisp blogs for others to read.

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