Going the extra mile – successful living.

Going the extra mile? But why?
I receive payment for the service I give.
So I receive payment for going for the first mile, not for the extra mile.
Then why should I go the extra mile? Why should I spend my energy in the extra mile?
You can ask why to go the extra mile? What benefits will you get?
To be sure, the present post answers it.
 Many people come to the State Bank of India, Burnpur. They keep their vehicles in two temporary parking spaces (suppose A & B) looked after by two unemployed persons. They keep watch on their vehicles against theft and charge an Rs.1/-per vehicle.
I see that the number of vehicles kept daily in parking space A is much more than that of B. The person looking after parking space A helps his illiterate customers in filling up different bank forms and guides later.

“Going the extra mile”attitude helps.

The person looking after parking space A is having a “go the extra mile“attitude.  He gets Rs.1/ per vehicle for keeping watch on the vehicle. In other words, keeping watch on the vehicle is nothing but going the first mile. Still, he goes beyond. He goes the extra mile, fills up forms and guides his customers
There is no question that he is making himself valuable, respectable to his customers. They are receiving more value from the person than they pay.
You can get similar ideas in my post- here
Hence more customers are rushing to him. In this process, the person is earning more and making his life more prosperous and more fabulous.

Action Steps: Going the extra mile.

Always add more value to whatever you do.
Always do some extra for what you are paid for
Go the extra mile attitude keeps you ahead in life
Have a successful living.
People who have difficulty going the extra mile are less likely to have a successful living.


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