Non-discrimination to be practiced at all levels

Non-discriminationNon-discrimination was one of the learning points, as mentioned in my last post. What does non-discrimination mean to me? Let me explain it here. First, I will do it for the individual level, then for the family level, and finally, for the national level.

Individual Level:

The modern world has trained each of us to differentiate between good things and bad things, success and failure, pleasure and pain, and so on.

Say, till now, your life is full of good things. So you are in high spirits. If bad things come to your life, how will you tackle them? Will they distress you? Similarly, you feel so happy when success comes and feel pain when you fail. Why so? Let me tell you why?  You discriminate things when you don’t see the real view of life. You distinguish things when you lose your awareness of life. As you lose your consciousness, you feel pain. In other words, discrimination brings pain. So you don’t enjoy your life. Am I right?

Now, what is the way out? If you practice conscious breathing from belly and other yogic activities, you can stop labeling like good and evil, success and failure, and so on. In the end, you won’t attach yourself too much to a particular state, and you will enjoy the present moment of life. It does not mean that bad things will not come to your life. It will come. But you will respond differently, and you will succeed in life.

Family level: Non-discrimination

Let me explain now how the head of a family plays a vital role in a family. You can see here how his discriminative behavior affects others. Say, his elder son is brilliant as well as diligent. His younger son is intelligent enough. But he studies less. One day the head of the family forgets that he is the leader of his family. Quite ignorant of his role, he compares their performances in the study in the presence of other members. In this way, he not only paves the way for spoiling the natural growth of his sons but also for damaging relationships among family members. So he is a weak leader in his family.

Similarly, if he does not love his sons and daughter equally, then how he can help them grow an impartial attitude? So how can they learn to treat others equally? How can they become good citizens of their nation? Such children, when grown-up, can not build a healthy society, in turn, a better country and a better world.

National level: Non-discrimination

Let’s now focus on discrimination on the national level. Say, one of the sons, as mentioned above, grows up and manages to become the prime minister of your country. What will you expect from him? You can not expect him to treat his countrymen equally. Sometimes you will see him favor a particular zone, language, religion, caste, or creed. Accordingly, he will formulate rules and regulations that will promote discrimination. So it may now disturb communal harmony. It may then favor the quota system in education and service in place of talent. In the end, the nation will lose its balance shortly.

So, let’s promote non-discrimination at all levels.



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