Sharing thoughts can release tension- How did I know ?

Sharing thoughts. Why to go for sharing thoughts? If you read this post, you will find the answer.

What happened to my friend?

Recently the marriage ceremony of the son of my friend just concluded. He is my colleague too. All of us joined the IISCO Steel Plant at the same time. All of us mean seven friends and their families. The best part is we stay in the same residential complex. As a result, we have spent the best part of our life together. How it has become possible? We care for each other. In IISCO steel Plant as well as in the same residential complex. My friend invited all of us in all pre-marriage, marriage and post marriage rituals. We all enjoyed.

He joined his office yesterday. Today I visited his office where he was sitting so relaxed.

How did we go for sharing thoughts?

I enquired him how he is feeling now. He smiled and said,” I am relaxed now. How are you doing?”

I said,” You know I am searching for a suitable bride for my elder son in matrimony sites. If qualifications match, then either her age, height, family backgrounds don’t match. Don’t you think it’s really tedious and tiring?” He said.” Yes, it is.”

He said, ” You know I can not open up in public. When I was making arrangements for the marriage, then I was facing so many problems. But I could not share anything either to you or my relatives. So I was very much tensed. As a result, my blood pressure went up during that period. But now I am relaxed. On the conray, you are not like me. You are discussing with me how you are facing difficulties in searching for the bride. So no tension builds up within you.”

When no sharing of thoughts

Don’t share your thoughts to others who don’t care for you. If you do it, they will not support you in your crisis. Rather they may exploit you.

Benefits to share thoughts

Whenever I face any problems which I have no immediate solution, I always go for sharing my thoughts with someone who cares for me. I don’t try it. It happens to me naturally. I can’t keep things in my mind. I believe that sharing thoughts with others who care for you can reduce the apparent weight of your problem. My friend also supported it.

Sharing is not new. It’s human nature. Why do we share? Sometimes we share only to unburden ourselves of distressing thoughts and feelings. Sometimes we do it simply for desiring comfort and reassurance. The recent study in shows that the mere presence of others may reduce stress. So mix with others and share thoughts with them.

You can have a look at also.

Call to action

  • Identify who cares for you.
  • Share thoughts and feelings with him

It will certainly release your tension. Thank you so much for reading this post. Don’t forget to share your thoughts.







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