How I learnt today to accept my fault at once

Fault. Accept fault? Why should I do it? How will it help me? Do you want to know it? Please read the post.

When I entered my office today, I found about eight files of the standing committee are kept on my table for my signature. I, as the chairman of the standing committee, signed all the files except one. I did not sign because of the name of the earlier chairman misprinted in my place. My junior who kept the file came to me and accepted his faults immediately. He overlooked it. It not only showed his great sense of responsibility but also showed how he deals everything with transparency. Moreover, as he accepted his faults before me, so he made deposits in the emotional bank account with me. I could not scold him. We started trusting each other more. More the trusts, more ease in the communication. It only made our relationship sound.

My junior taught and I learnt. I learnt how to accept my fault at once. How it helps me.

So if you make a mistake, please accept your fault at once. It will help you as it has helped me.

Let's learn together

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