Achieve Goal through one step at a time.

Achieve a goal. How? One step at a time. Why? What will happen if you achieve your goal? You will succeed.

Who does not want to succeed?

Rather every one wants. I also want.

The achievement of goal through one step at a time takes the least effort. The journey from the first to the last step of a staircase will reach you to the top. Your destination is reaching the top. Look at the staircase. You worry when you will be able to achieve your goal of reaching the top. How many steps will you have to walk before you reach the top?

Reaching the top is your goal. How do you measure your goal? You measure it by the length of the staircase ahead. It is nothing but the number of steps in the direction pointing towards the goal. Each step is the  Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely aim before you.

Taking the first step is very difficult. Why? Because we think and think and wait for someone will do our jobs. As a result, most of us procrastinate. Taking the very first step starts our journey towards our goal. When we are making the first step, then the second step becomes visible only to help us in planning what our next actions will be.

When we take one step at a time, then our habit of procrastination vanishes. We come out of our comfort zone. Secondly, we move closer to the goal, and we make efforts towards achieving  the small incremental improvement

 Benefits in achieving the goal

  • Bad habit of procrastination vanishes.
  • Comfort zone breaks.
  • Goals get close
  • Achieve incremental improvement

If we take a big leap or take more steps at a time, we need more energy to start taking actions. The chance of failures increases. Instead, if we take one step at a time, it takes minimum energy. The doer takes actions easily. The likelihood of success increases

Steps to achieve Goal:

  • Know your goal.
  • Subdivide goal into steps
  • Know each step.
  • Understand your direction
  • Identify the time frame
  • Do not procrastinate.
  • Get out of your comfort zone
  • Take one step at a time
  • Achieve your goal.

Success is beyond the steps. So let us achieve the goal through one step at a time.



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  1. Pingback: Your goal in life drives you to take action fast

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