Reading good books helps you in your life journey.

Reading good books helps. To be more precise, a habit of reading good books helps us all the time. But do you know how it helps? When you go through the post, then you will come to understand how it helped to regain my health.

Reading good books helps you in many ways. You may read the link – So you must make this habit.

“In a good book, the best is between the lines.”
–Swedish Proverb.
“A good book has no ending.”
–R.D. Cumming.

Reading a good book expands our minds as well as our knowledge. But if you don’t apply this knowledge, you will not go ahead in life. When you do so, you benefit a lot. When you make a habit of reading good books, no power can stop you from succeeding. So why not make this habit?


Let me tell you how a good book helped me to regain my health.
Firstly, I had suffered from ulcerative colitis since 1996 till 2000. Those years, I consulted many doctors and took different medicines as per their advice.

Furthermore, I changed my lifestyle and food habits as per the advice of doctors. I used allopathic, homeopathy, and Ayurveda medicines one by one for treatment. These medicines just controlled the disease. As it could not cure me entirely, so It frustrated me.

How I made a habit of reading

At this juncture, one of my colleagues suggested, “Have you read the book- Health in your hand by Dr. Debendra Vora? Why don’t you do so?  I have applied the acupressure tips of the book to my wife. She has recovered fully.” So I purchased it, read it many times, and finally made a habit of reading it. Then I followed three to four pieces of advice given in the book. It worked like a miracle. Then my health improved. Since then, I made a habit of reading books daily.

Ulcerative colitis changed my lifestyle and food habits. It helped me to grow a good habit of reading a good book daily and following some useful advice given in the book.

Read good books and reap the benefits.

Read a good book daily.
Follow the advice given in the book.
Reap the benefits.

Live a fabulous life.




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