Brainstorming helps in problem solving

Brainstorming helps in problem solving. How does it help? If you read this post you, you will come to know how it helped in my work-life.

Stainless steel can’t be be cut by ordinary gas cutting torch.It can be cut by plasma cutting torch that runs with compressed air.The compressor supplying compressed air to the torch was breaking down frequently. So it stopped fabrication of  stainless steel spares for our New Plat of IISCO Steel Plant, Burnpur. As a result, the customer departments were mounting up the pressure for supplying these spares.

In order to solve this problem, I planned to conduct a brainstorming session. In that case, I called compressor maintenance group, supervisors of Ingot Mould Foundry , concerned supervisors of Forge and structural shop and executive to my office. Our objective was to how to supply compressed air for Plasma Cutting Machine.

The compressor maintenance group pointed out the idea of deployment of skilled maintenance people. Others pointed out the idea of quality spares required for maintenance. The other group explored the idea of use of the small compressors lying idle at Ingot Mould Foundry. I modified the above idea into shifting of the small compressors from Ingot Mould Foundry to Forge and Structural Shop. After the session, the group selected the idea of moving small compressors from Ingot Mould Foundry to Forge and structural shop.

After overhauling and installation of small compressors at Forge and Structural Shop, Plasma cutting machine started functioning smoothly, and we could supply stainless steel spares for our internal customers. It made our work- life hassle-free.

Glimpse of Brainstorming

Initially I defined the problem “how to supply compressed air for Plasma Cutting Machine” . Then we generated several ideas in brainstorming. We evaluated each idea on advantages, disadvantages, feasibility, ease and time frame.

Ultimately everybody accepted moving two small compressors as the best idea as the operation and maintenance of these two compressors were effortless. Then, we implemented the best idea by moving two small compressors from Ingot Mould Foundry to Forge and Structural Shop. Forge and structural shop people effortlessly continued fabrication of stainless steel spares with the help of Plasma cutting machine. It made our life simpler. We started to live a fabulous life.

 Brainstorm to implement the idea

  • Define the problem correctly.
  • Generate ideas through brainstorming
  • Evaluate the ideas
  • Select the best idea
  • Implement it.
  • Live a fabulous life.

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