Good habits : Achieving balanced life

Achieving balanced life is great. Then, we have to pay the price of forming good habits.

As per my younger son, the earlier post was too short to discuss right balances in life. That is why I am writing this post for further exploration in achieving a balanced life.

Nirmal, my office staff, has a bad habit of washing his hands for a long time after taking his breakfast. He continues to do so unless he is satisfied his hands are spotless. As a result, too much soap has corroded his palms.

Is he gaining something by washing his palms for an extended period with soap?

Is it a sign of lack of right balance?

He also has a bad habit of watching TV up to 2 AM daily. TV is a time waster. He is wasting his precious time. As a matter of fact, Watching TV for the first half an hour is refreshing. Then, after half an hour, it consumes our energy. Too much TV watching drains out our liveliness. So he is always sluggish in the office. He has no time for learning. No time for self-development. So very slow in grasping new things, These bad habits have switched off his learning mode. Is it a sign of lack of right balance?

Good habits for a balanced life:

Always be in learning mode. Spend time in self-development.
His habits best know a person. So we can understand Nirmal by his bad habits. Nirmal without these bad habits will be in a better position to handle his life.
Good habits can eradicate bad ones by replacement. So next step in finding the right balance is growing good habits to replace bad habits

Good habits: Replacing bad habits

Grow good habits to replace bad habits
Our leaning points:

  • Always be in learning mode. Spend time in self-development
  • Grow good habits to replace bad habits
  • Live a balanced life.

 I shall be back to explore further measures in finding the right balances in life.

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