Stressful moments – How I handled in life

Stressful moments come to you to give you a big challenge.

Everyone passes through these moments. Moments full of stress. 

More stress, more are the worries. So it makes your life horrible. You can’t live this dreadful life for long. Then what to do?

How to handle stress? If you can handle it properly, you are sure to improve the quality of your life.

Who does want a good quality of life?

Everyone wants. I am sure you also want it. So I urge you now to read the post where I have put down my thoughts and experiences that will certainly enrich you.

Stressful moments: Definition

Stressful moments cause stress for you. How to describe the stress now?

Dr. Hans Selye described it as “the rate of all wear and tear caused by life.”

What stress can cause to you? Before it can cause some damage, you must release it.

If you can’t release them, they ruin the charms of your life. As a result, you live a life of poor quality.

What do you mean by the excellent quality of life?

It means you have excellent health, positive and clear thinking, strong character, but modest behavior.

How do stresses do internally? How do they affect you?

They affect the biochemical reactions within your body. They increase your heartbeat, blood pressure, blood sugar, tightens your muscles, quickens your breathing, disrupt your metabolism, so on so forth.

How did I handle the moments of stress?

Recently I visited a Factory at Coimbatore where I saw stress relieving of Fabricated Gear Box covers and castings. When the stresses developed during fabrication and casting processes are not released by stress relieving, the quality of the products lowers down.

Similarly, human beings develop stresses during the different stages of our life journey. So from time to time, we must release these stresses from our body and mind with the help of some stress-relieving processes.

In a particularly stressful situation, how I responded gives an insight on how to cope with stress in life.

When my elder son was fighting for life in ICU, we, the parents, practiced chanting of OM mantra silently in the hospital. Why? It took our mind off the critical situation of my son. It relaxed our mind and body, reduced our worries, and decreased our blood pressure as well. Consequently, it helped our hearts to beat with the regular rhythm. As a result, we maintained our calmness in such a critical situation. When we became calm, we could think and view things more clearly. Then, we could understand that shifting my son was not right at that moment. So we decided not to shift him to a better hospital. Then we asked for help from friends and relatives.

We approached the situation from a fresh perspective. How?

We used to focus on the smiling pictures of Mainak on Facebook.

How did it help us? It made imprints of those smiling pictures in our subconscious mind. Simply put, we indirectly ordered our subconscious mind to reproduce those pictures. As a result, my son recovered slowly.

The experts recommend regular meditation, exercise, a positive attitude towards life, and so forth to cope with stress in life.

How to handle in life

However, based on my life experiences, I recommend the following practices to deal with stress in life

  • Chant OM mantra silently or in a loud voice.
  • Maintain calmness.
  • Practice positive affirmations.
  • Order your subconscious mind.
  • Believe that reality will change in time.


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