Fear worries me, but what do I fear most

Fear worries me.

But how does it worry me?

I shall answer this.

“Corona, I fear you,

God scares me too.


When I fear God,

I pray at temples,

Churches or masjid

As I am afraid of you,

I flee from temples,

Churches, masjid

or my workplace

And stay in my home.

As you scare me,

So I flee to my home

From abroad, another state,

Or district of our country

I fear you the most,

So other diseases

don’t scare me.

So I live with them.

The other days

I walk miles after miles

Join hands with others

Make human chain

And cross the river

With mind focussed

To return to my home

So focussed on walking,

But not to care for food,

my health or foot conditions

I don’t bother for what help

I get from them

But I know I shall return

To save my family

Still, I know they don’t bother

about me now

But I know time will come

Yes, our time will come.

Corona, one day you will go,

But let me tell you one thing.

When lockdown ends,

Then they will need

Me and others

Build the nation.

So to be sure

They will come to us

Request us

Not to stop the nation

Corona, don’t think

That I fear you most,

I fear the most

When my family starves.”

Let's learn together

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