Goal setting- What and how I learnt

Goal setting. Why set goals?  The incident points out what and how I learned about goal setting.

Generally, I enter the works to discharge my general shift duty well before  8 AM. If any employee gives a biometric punch after 8-15 AM, he will be marked late. So I come and give my biometric punch early. That time the workmen concerned clean our offices. So I wait at the entrance of the Project building of ISP, SAIL. Do you know what I do then? I watch the movement of vehicles on the road in front of me. To be sure, almost all the owners of cars and bikes drive with speed faster than the recommended one by the safety department. Let me tell you why do they do so? They do so to avoid any delay. What do they achieve?

  • They reach safely before 8-15 AM.
  • They don’t reach before 8-15 AM.
  • Their speed causes a road accident.
  • Sometimes they are fined for violating safety rules.

Learning points- goal setting

  •  Once you set the goal, you put your every effort to reach it. So it helps you move you forward.
  • If you want to reach your goal quickly, make it challenging too. Make your goal 8 AM, not 8-15 AM, and start early. Then you will arrive safely within 8-15 AM.
  • Integrate safety into your lifestyle. So you can not work unsafe. Unsafe acts make accidents, making the loss of property, money, and sometimes life. So avoid any risky action on your part.

goal setting

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