Making money in coronavirus crisis: What I viewed

Do you know how people make use of coronavirus crisis to make money? Let me start with some examples.

What my friend observed

Shaibal- my friend-cum-colleague was my next-door neighbor. He left Asansol after his retirement in December 2019 and went to Kolkata. So the other day, I rang him up to enquire about how all of them were doing. In the end, I said, ” Shaibal, take care, don’t go outside.” Then he replied, ” Surely, We have to take care. If we don’t do so, we will get infected. Once it happens by any chance, then we will go to one of the private hospitals for treatment. Do you know how much they charge per patient? It’s around rupees twenty lakh. It means if coronavirus infects all of us, I will have to spend a big amount from my retirement fund.”

It shows how private hospitals are making money in unfair ways.

What social media and media shows

Right now, all of us feel fed up with a rising death toll.  Suppose you want to find some variety in these tiring days. So you go to a social media site or open a news channel. What will you find there now? You will find that one group of people are losing jobs. With no money in hand, they are selling vegetables. Another group of people is busy making money. How the second group does so? Either they make and sell fake sanitizers, or they recycle the used masks. Such businesses pop up. The most dangerous thing is they don’t think what will happen to others. Thus you can imagine how they are making money.

How private hospitals make money

Now I am going to let out how private hospitals make use of this situation. The incident that I mention below will make you understand it clearly.

Three months back, I have retired from SAIL, ISP, Burnpur. One employee of the machine shop of ISP needs to visit a particular hospital at Kolkata for his cancer treatment regularly. As usual, our company referred him to the hospital. So he went there.

Before starting his treatment of cancer, the hospital authorities tested him for coronavirus. After two days, they declared him corona positive. Again they tested him and reported him corona-negative just after two days. Now they examined the patients who came in contact with him.

How can this happen? Can you imagine it? But it happened. That’s the way things are going on. Let’s see how this incident affected others. The patients who came in contact with him paid for their tests.

When the report came to the machine shop, the authorities put all the colleagues of the employee in quarantine. As a result, the machine shop stopped for three days.

Analysis of why they do so

What is the underlying fact?

The hospital authorities knew that it’s a referred case. So the company will bear the cost of treatment. The patient need not pay anything. So they planned to make more money. What did they do? They declared him positive initially. So he had to undergo the second test. The more the number of tests, the more money they will make.

Additionally, they will charge him extra for staying two days more at the hospital. Besides, they made the situation in such a way; they need to test other patients who came to his contact. They wanted to make money exactly the way they made money out of tests. Their objective is to make money no matter what happens to others. As a result, they can go to any extent.

How private laboratories make money

Let’s discuss coronavirus testing in private laboratories. Suppose you go to a particular laboratory for testing. In the first place, they will show you corona positive; it does not matter to them if you don’t have an infection. Tell me why? If they show you corona-negative, then no one will come to them for further testing. So they declare you positive. What will happen then? Your family members or other persons who came in contact with you will also go to them for testing. If they can make this happen for other families too, then you can imagine how much they will earn.

making money

I am sure the readers don’t support the way things are happening now. So don’t forget to share your thoughts.


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