Sharing positive experiences makes us feel good


Sharing positive experiences refresh us. As a result, It recharges our life batteries. You know how? How did we do? Then read the post.

All of a sudden, my General Manager rang me up at 8 PM on  August 14, 2018. Why? He advised me to attend an outbound Training program at Peerless resorts,  Mukutmanipur. At once, I felt happy. Why so? It would keep me away from the stresses of my workplace for three days of training.
I joined with other participants and started for Mukutmanipur at 3 PM on August 15, 2018. We all crossed 50. After our arrival, we came to know that two participants would share a bed.

It surely cut our expectation from the training program. But when we found the lush green gardens of the resorts welcoming all of us on the bank of the beautiful dam reservoir, we at once forgot the pains from the wounds of bed-sharing. It raised our hope too. So we looked forward.

Training program

The training program started as usual with describing ourselves in one word. So each of us had a new name. The faculty was so skilled to open our minds. As a result, we shared our experiences with each other and the faculty. He shared his experiences in military leadership as well; tactfully conducted many leadership games. So we enjoyed each training session.

Do you know how we shared our experiences with each other and the trainer? We did it in classes, tea breaks, gameplay and during lunch and dinner. In short, we kept our learning mode on all the time, even on the bed. So, we enjoyed every moment of the training program. We all felt good.

After the first-day training session, the training coordinator arranged for a  speedboat journey with 26 participants in the reservoir. It awakened the child within us. Our faces glittered with smiles. Our hearts melted too. It not only refreshed us but also made us lively. In the end, we enjoyed the training program.

Sharing positive experiences

Sharing positive experiences:

  • Learning depends not only on the skill of the trainer but also on the ability of the participants.
  • Whatever activities we do on the lap of the Mother nature refresh us.
  • Sharing positive experiences amid the beautiful nature always recharges us.

When such an opportunity comes to you, grab it and enjoy the moments.



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