Embrace retirement gracefully to live life to the fullest

Embrace retirement gracefully. Let me tell you why? The last Saturday was my last working day in my office.

embrace retirement

When I came from my office to my quarter, I saw my wife waiting at the front door. Then I handed over the gifts of farewell to her. Afterward, I unlaced my shoes, kept them outside, went straight to the bathroom. Then I washed my hands, faces, legs, washed my dresses, and took a refreshing bath in hot water. When my wife offered me a cup of tea, I felt so relaxed to sip the tea. With each sip, the tea tasted better and better. With each sip, a sense of freedom took over my mind. I thought now I could do anything I like.

My friends and well-wishers rang me up one by one. Everyone was congratulating me on the successful completion of my service life. Few of them also apprehended that I might feel bad after retirement. So they were consoling me. But I was feeling free inside because of no more work pressure or work-life hazards. It’s a feeling of freedom a bird enjoys flying in the sky.

I thought that my moods would go down when I would retire. But thanks to the lockdown. It made me stay at home and work from home. So it had helped me much to taste a retired life before I retire. Do you know It helped me too to remain in peace with my retirement? So what I did. I embraced retirement gracefully. Everyone will retire one day. So don’t take retirement as a burden on your life. The retired life is for living life to the fullest. Living life to the fullest depends on how you greet retirement. So embrace retirement gracefully.


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