How to connect your body with the Mother Earth?

The lockdown continues to prevent the coronavirus from spreading. So you don’t go out of your home. So you miss walking on the roads, going under the trees, and feeling the breeze or sunshine. Then either you feel sick to work from home, see negative news on TV or see movies on prime videos. The circumstances take you more away from the Mother Earth. As a result, the modem of your body doesn’t receive the signal of the earth.  So now how to connect your body with the Mother Earth?

How to connect your body with the earth

  • Sit cross-legged with an erect spine.
  • Slowly breathe in and breathe out from the belly.
  • Observe your breath, how it comes in, and how it goes out. Be aware of your thoughts. You need not focus on any thought. Let it go. Continue focusing on your breath.

How to connect

  • As you breathe in, think that the trees of the Mother Earth breathe out the same air. When you breathe out, they breathe in the same air. In other words, the same air makes you and trees alive. So you feel connected with trees as well as mother earth.
  • Observe your breath, how it comes in, and how it goes out. Be conscious of the floor of your home where you sat cross-legged on. Think that the same elements existing in the earth make this floor.
  • Observe your breath, how it comes in, and how it goes out. Be conscious that your body contains around 60 % water. The same water covers about 71 % of the earth’s surface. When you raise your awareness, then you can become aware of the fact that the same cosmic energy of the moon of the universe that causes periodic rises and fall of water in rivers and seas of the earth exists in the water of every cell of your body. Thus you know how to connect your body with the earth and the universe.


Your presence is not limited to your body. Your presence is limitless; raise your consciousness, and feel your presence in the earth and the universe.


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