Make efforts if you want to live the life of your choice

Make efforts if you want to live the life of your choice. If you read this post, you can understand it.

When you make efforts

Let’s say you are cycling to your workplace. It’s two kilometers away from your place. So you are pedaling the bicycle at a particular speed to reach your workplace on time. At this point, you suddenly thought to stop pedaling it. What will happen? Your bicycle will not move anymore. So it may fall on your leg. And you will not reach your workplace. Am I right?

As you are the leader of your family, you lead your family members. Once you lead, you need to make some decisions on how to better your family life. If you don’t do so, sometimes your spouse will do it. Sometimes your son will do it. If it happens so, can you imagine the outcome? In other words, you no longer remain a leader but become a follower. Am I right?

The same thing happens in your work-life too if you lead a team or group.

“If you don’t act on life, life will act on you.”

-Robin Sharma.

Life of your choice

It’s clear from the above discussion that if you want a life of your choice, you need to take some action. If you don’t do so, you are sure to lead a life of others’ choices. Life is a series of actions you take. When you don’t take those actions, then someone will take action. As a result, you live a life that depends on how someone chooses.

So make efforts if you want to live the life of your choice.



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