The secret to change your family life lies with you

The secret to change your family life lies with you. When you read this post, you will understand it. Let me explain it here.

The secret unfolds here.

Everyone wants a happy family life. It’s a big thing you want in life. When you want it, then you need to make an environment for it. But you can not make it alone. You need the help of your partner or siblings too. But the fact is you struggle with them. The result is sometimes you blame them, and sometimes they blame you. When it happens, then it’s sure you have some weakness in yourself. Because of your deficiency, you struggle with them. It’s the secret of family life. The fact is what you have in your inner world manifests in the outer world.

“When you struggle with your partner, you are struggling with yourself. Every fault you see in them touches a denied weakness in yourself.”
― Deepak Chopra.


Problem with you

The problem is you deny having such weakness within you. What happens then? Either you blame or criticize your spouse or siblings. In other words, you deny taking responsibility. Once you do so, you can not change yourself. You forget that you can not change anyone except yourself.

So when you want to change the culture of your home, then choose to change yourself. But how to change yourself?

Actions steps to change your home life

Take responsibility for changing the culture of your family

Never go for changing your partner or siblings. Because they are not at fault. But you have some flaws.

Then, find your faults, turn them into your strengths, and change your old attitude.

So never blame or judge your spouse or siblings.

Open your heart, love, and respect them.

Forgive them for small mistakes.

Catch them doing good things and praise at once.

Understand them. In this connection, You may read my post here.

Keep your promises at any cost.

Live in the present, not in the past or future.

Then share and enjoy your moments together.

Once you follow these steps, I am sure you will have a happy home life.



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