General intelligence of your child – How does it help?

General intelligence of your child. How does it help? If you want to know it, then please go through the incident below.

Incident of my child

My younger son had a peculiar habit. It’s about how he used to announce his score just after finishing his examination in his early school days. His mother used to accompany him. The students went to write the exam, whereas the guardians waited in the earmarked area. Why? Once the examination over, the guardians used to bring their respective child. Then what did my younger son do?

He would come out of the hall, go straight to his mother, and declare in the presence of all guardians,” Mom, I would score 100 out of 100 in mathematics.” Then he would calculate for five minutes and declare, ” No, I would score 90.” In this way, after a few calculations, he would finally announce,” No, I would score 70.” As his mother knew his habit, so she would not react much.

When the headmaster would declare the results, then we would find him to score 70, not 100.

My reflections on the general intelligence of a child

Still, I search for the answers to the following questions.

  1. Why did he declare, ” Mom, I would score 100 out of 100?” Did he want to impress the other guardians? Did he want to keep his mother quite for the time being?
  2. Why did he not stop after the initial declaration? Why did he make the final declaration of scoring low? What was his motive? He thought the announcement of a low score would be safe and surely lessen his punishment.

At present, he is doing his research in the USA, and I am searching for the answers. In my opinion, intelligent children have high intelligence quotient. So their general intelligence level is high. They act like my son too.

general intelligence of your child
khamkhor / Pixabay

What about your child? Do they act as my son? Do they behave otherwise? I will be glad to hear from you.



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