Happiness comes through giving more

Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.”

Ben Carson.

Happiness in life? Do you want it in life?
Do you want to find out its right path?
Are you struggling to reach its front door? But unable to reach there?
Will you feel happy to receive more in your life?
If the answer is yes, then follow the story of Hari. He was famous for his high unauthorized absenteeism in the first week of every month. Every employee of Pattern Shop, Kulti Works, knew about it; but I did not know.
On my inquiry, my head clerk said, “He has a habit of taking loans from the moneylenders who snatch his pay packet at the main gate. As a result, he absents to avoid meeting them in the first week.”

Example of Giving more

I called Hari and said to him,” Absenteeism can not solve your problem. Let me tell you why. It will cut your wages and so increase your burden of loan.
Every month, I will give you an interest-free loan. In that case, you repay the credit to the money lenders. But please don’t forget to return the money to me next month. Am I clear?”

In this process, he repaid his loan within six months. Since then, he continued to discharge his duties sincerely up to the last day of every month.

One day the union leader came to me to get my signature on the outpass. Do you know what I did? I did not sign it to arrest his lousy habit of regular fleeing.

I said, “I cannot give you out pass daily. Please give a leave application and go out”. Let me tell you what the leader did next.

He, along with his followers, gheraoed me. He did not stop there. Then he used abusive languages in front of my supervisory staff and workers. So, I suspended him immediately, pending an inquiry.

In the middle of the domestic inquiry, nobody came forward. Can you guess why? Everyone was afraid of the union leader. But Hari came forward to give witness in my favor.

After that, more supervisory staff and employees gave witnesses. Finally, the domestic inquiry proved the charge. So I punished the leader. It improved the discipline and work culture of pattern shop at once.

Discover happiness: Give more

Hari could not help when the union leader used abusive languages. But he was very much keen to help me at the earliest opportunity. So, he gave witness to the inquiry process.

Ultimately the inquiry proved the charge and punished the leader. How did Hari help me?  He saved my face and helped me to work at Pattern Shop with dignity. His support was much more valuable than the support I offered to him.

Our universe is abundant. I am a part of the universe. So I am also abundant. So I gave help to Hari without expecting him to return it. But I believed it would come back to me multiplied. It is as per this universal law, “If you want to receive more, give more.”

When you give anything to anybody from your heart, then you are in perfect alignment with the flow of life, ideal alignment with the universe. And the Universe is abundant enough to give you more. So you receive more and stay happy.



Steps to discover happiness: Give more

  • Believe that you are abundant
  • Give more without expecting
  • Believe that it will return to you multiplied in any form
  • Receive the return with gratefulness.
  • Move to a happy life.

“If you want happiness for an hour — take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day — go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year — inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime — help someone else.”
Chinese Proverb



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