Constructive criticism-How it fueled my life.

 Constructive criticism is not easy to accept. Do you think so? Certainly, yes. I also think so. We don’t like to hear bad things about ourselves from others. Am I right?

If we can take constructive criticism in the right frame of mind and take action, then we can make our lives move forward. You can ask me,” How do you say so?” I learned it from my experience. What did I learn? If life stands for a speedboat, then constructive criticism stands for its fuel. Thus, it is very much essential to move our lives. How does it do so? If you read this post, you can have an idea. My story will answer you.

My journey started with uncertainty and ended well with certainty. How?

As our family had no earning member, our financial position went down.

It went down further when I lost my father. That time I was in class V. Since then, my mind explored how to earn money for my family at the earliest opportunity. It did not stop exploring even after passing class XI. So I thought of applying for the clerical post of the Postal department. But I did not do it in a state of confusion. What did I do then?

I went to Narendrapur Ramkrishna Mission College in Kolkata for doing my BSc (Chemistry Honours). An acute cough and cold troubled me there for an extended period. So it disrupted my study at my college. To make my recovery fast, I had to leave the hostel and go to my village.

How did I take constructive criticism?

I did not sit idle there. I purchased a Guide book and started preparing for IIT-JEE. One day the servant-cum-brother who stayed with us brought an envelope addressed to me. How did he bring it? The postman had given it to him to deliver to me. I jumped at once, snatched it, and tore it apart. It showed me a ray of sunshine in a cloudy sky. It was my national scholarship.

The then servant-cum brother said, “It is good to see that you have got the national scholarship. However, I can’t understand why you have left your college and study.”
These comments not only hurt me but also added fuel to the fire of my JEE preparation. How? I focused more on my studies, tried hard, cracked the examination, got admitted to BHU-IT (now IIT-Varanasi). Finally, I did my B.Tech (Metallurgical Engineering) from BHU-IT.

These comments changed my life from uncertainty to certainty. At present, I  work as Deputy General Manager at the Steel Authority of India Limited.

Constructive criticism

Accepting constructive criticism- My way

The servant-cum brother criticized me. To be more precise, he criticized me constructively. I, too, took it from the right perspective. His comments challenged me. So it helped me to change my attitude and behavior. It increased my zeal also to focus more on the study. When we accept constructive criticism in the right perspective by the concerned person, life may change.

Action steps

Start looking for criticism or constructive criticism from others.
Take it from the right perspective.
Focus on things to do and plan so.
Make all-out efforts to carry out your plan.
Move slowly and steadily towards a fabulous life.


  1. Great message reflected in your this inspiring post. Feel nice to see your changes…But for me becomes opposite. My job life is degrading. I was in Tata Consulting Engineers Limited for 5.5 years. Leaving this company was a great mistake for me.

  2. rpradhanblog

    Thanks for reading this post.Tanusri, we are with you. Please don’t repent on the past. What you did may be a stepping stone to a better future ahead. Hard times will not last more. Please maintain your calmness. Focus more on what you can do for changing the present situation.
    My elder son faced lots of hard times. He resigned from CTS, went to study at IIM, Nagpur, met a road accident, fought with life in ICU for one month, then fought with syllabus of IIM, completed PGDM, finally placed at Jk technosoft. He won the battle. Similarly, you will certainly defeat your crisis. My best wishes are always with you.

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