Shortcuts cause problems in life

Shortcuts cause problems in life. Do you believe it? Yes, I believe it. So if we want to avoid problems in life, avoid shortcut methods.

As a matter of fact, they make problems. Still, why do we use them?

Not to mention, they are fast ways to reach our destination. Then why to avoid them? They make unsafe conditions as well as problems.

No, I am not advocating for them. On the contrary, I recommend avoiding them.

The content below explains why we should avoid shortcuts in life 

Shortcuts don’t pay

Shyamal used improper rigging practices in lifting a job with the help of the overhead crane. The job slipped off the rope sling and made an impact on a small metallic cut piece which, in turn, flew away only to injure him. What caused his accident? Shortcuts caused it.

“Chewing takes a long time, I shall swallow the food” is a damaging thought or action or habit. Don’t you think that It is a shortcut method of eating foods? So In the long run, you suffer from stomach problems and become fatty. Chewing of foods secrete digestive enzymes and hence helps to make you healthy.

Why do we use shortcuts? The simple answer is they take less time. Without clearing the main concepts of the subjects, the aspiring students rot the subjects and expect to do well in the Joint Entrance examination. So they fail to qualify it because they used the shortcut methods.

You have seen that the shortcut methods make you unsafe, unhealthy, unsuccessful and so on.

Avoid problems in life

Similarly, shortcut methods utilized for an extended period in life always result in some problems. Nobody wants problems in life. They do not help in the long run. So let us say a big no to shortcuts. So let us avoid shortcuts in life.

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