Leader attracts followers: How and Why

Leader attracts followers. Every human being is a magnet. As a result, he attracts followers towards him according to his deeds, attitudes, and thoughts.

“Our deeds, attitudes, and thoughts attract in kind.”

-Sterling W. Sill.

“A good leader has a compass in their head and a magnet in their heart.”

-Howard G. Hendricks.

When people feel good and feel alive around you, you become a powerful human magnet. In fact, you become a very good leader. What are the properties of a human magnet? How does a human magnet differs from a metallic magnet?

Human magnet and a metallic magnet

In general, a metallic magnet has two poles. Its positive pole not only attracts the negative pole but also, repels the positive pole of another magnet. Similarly, its negative pole not only attracts the positive pole but also repels the negative pole of another magnet.

On the contrary, a human magnet enriched with the magnetism of positive energies, attitudes, emotions, words, feelings, and actions attract positive minded people. This is positive leadership. These are the qualities of a positive leader.

A positive leader and a negative leader

A good leader always sees good in everything. Rather, he sees the problems or failures as his opportunities to excel. He thinks positive thoughts, shows positive emotions, feelings and uses positive words for communication.

You can have a look at the qualities of a very good leader in https://www.briantracy.com/blog/leadership-success/the-seven-leadership-qualities-of-great-leaders-strategic-planning/

Similarly, a leader with negative energies, attitudes, emotions, words, feelings, and actions attract negative minded people. These are the qualities of negative leadership.

In other words, positive minded followers move around a positive leadership and negatively minded followers follow negative leadership. Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela showed positive leadership, where militants show negative leadership.

Generally, the number of followers of positive leadership is more than that of negative leadership. Hence, your organization and country are improving.

What does a positive leader do

The positive leadership uplifts the image of your organization, family, society, and country. The more positively you lead, the more successful and happy your organization, family, society and country will become.

On the other hand, the negative leadership drops the image of your organization, family, society or country. The more negatively you lead, the less successful and happy your organization, family, society or country will become.

What is your leadership style in New Year? Happy New year.

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