Right decision- how to take.

The right decision is difficult to take at the right moment.

Do you agree? I agree.

Because I learnt it from my life experiences.

Why is decision-making difficult? Because it involves many steps. In order to make the right decision, you have to take suitable action in each step. These steps are given below.

  • Defining and Identifying the decision.
  • Gathering information and generating alternatives
  • Evaluating alternative
  • Choosing the right alternative based on the evaluation.
  • Implementing the decision.

The present post shows how my son took the right decision at the right moment and what we learnt about decision making. How to take the right decision.

 After passing out from Asansol Ramakrishna Mission, my son went to Ramakrishna Mission School, Narendrapurl, Kolkata to continue his study.

 After spending two weeks at Ramakrishna Mission School, Narendrapurl, Kolkata he said, “I can not continue my studies at Narendrapur, please take me back to Asansol”. “Why?  We said,” in spite of so many general rules and restrictions of the Institution, Ramakrishna Mission School, Narendrapurl is the best school to study in.”

He was in a fix where to study. So he could not decide it. We helped him to decide and so we counselled him. But we failed.

Climax of decision-making

After one month, one day, the Maharaj in charge of Hostels called us to his office. Then he said, “Anish is very adamant to leave Narendrapur.  His behaviours are erratic as well as violent. Under these circumstances, he may commit suicide at any time. So please take him to Asansol for counselling. If he responds well and agrees to come back, then take him to us, we shall allow him to join. Otherwise, withdraw him from the Institute”.

Then I gave an undertaking in writing …. “I am taking Anish to my home at Asansol for three days for counselling. If he understands the situation, then we shall bring him back to Narendrapur. If he fails to understand, then, I shall withdraw him from Ramakrishna Mission School, Narendrapur”.

We, the family members, my relatives, his friends, his favourite teacher and earlier Maharaj of Ramakrishna Mission School, Asansol were counselling him.  But all failed.

Then, we let him take the decision on his own. He took permission from his mother and went to a local school at Asansol with his friend.

When he reached the school, he found three students with smoking cigarettes on their lips were coming out of the school. As he started climbing upstairs, then he saw goat droppings scattered here and there. It made him decide fast. So he returned to the home, rang me up and told me that he would continue to study at Narendrapur, not at Asansol.

How he took the right decision.

My son could not decide where to study. So he went to school at Asansol, saw the things and evaluated the two choices himself. He chose the best option and decided to continue to study at Narendrapur. So he went back to Narendrapur for implementing his right decision. It ultimately helped him to complete his B.Tech (ECE) from NIT Durgapur. This year he is going to pursue his masters at Virginia Tech University, USA. It shows how decision making plays a vital role in our lives.

Right decision at the right moment- Few Tips

  • Identify the choice to be made at the right moment
  • Collect relevant information
  • Identify options
  • Evaluate, if necessary re-evaluate the options
  • Choose the best choice for making the right decision.
  • Implement the right decision at the right moment
  • Live a fabulous life

People who have difficulty in making the right decisions at the right moment are less likely to succeed in life. Right decision at the right moment helps to live a fabulous life




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