Conditioning of thoughts- Action steps

Conditioning of thoughts. What is it? How does it make a difference in your life? If you read this post, you will find the answers.

You become what you think. You do what you think.

As a matter of fact, when you repeatedly do the jobs that have a positive impact on you with relaxed and focused attention, you condition yourself to do these types of jobs effortlessly and tend to do these jobs effortlessly in future also. When you do something effortlessly, then you become an expert. An expert always succeeds. Hence proper conditioning brings success.

Similarly, it holds good for the jobs that have a negative impact too, and you condition yourselves to do these types of jobs effortlessly. So, you shall tend to do these evil jobs in future also. You can take the help of this link  to learn more about the conditioning of thoughts.

Conditioning of thoughts-Further exploration

The typical village mother said to her son, ” Don’t go under that big tree. A giant lives there”. She warns him daily when the Sun shines at noon and when her husband and daughter snoozes. Due to this repeated negative conditioning of thoughts, her son becomes fearful when grown-up. As a result, he fears to talk to any stranger, can’t mix with his friends freely. His growth hampers in life.

Your child has pure thoughts. So you can condition his thoughts easily. Why? Success depends much on proper conditioning of thoughts in early age. So you must talk to as well as behave with your children properly. In other words, you must take the utmost care to raise your children.

On the contrary, improper conditioning results in the inappropriate raising of our children. Those children are less likely to succeed in life. For this reason, the parents and guardians must take care in raising their children.

Similarly, the teachers, friends, boss, colleagues play a significant role in forming our lives successful or unsuccessful. However, we should not give up hope. Hope is always there for us who believe in ourselves.

As a matter of fact, at any stage of our life, we have the power to condition our thoughts.

With this in mind, we have to improve our awareness consciously.

In order to improve our awareness, we have to spend time with ourselves in a lonely place and watch what thoughts are wandering in the sky of our mind.

If these thoughts are harmful, we have to replace these thoughts with positive thoughts consciously. We must do this conditioning of thoughts repeatedly and continuously. It will allow us to succeed in taking positive steps in every field of life.

 Conditioning of thoughts: Action steps

  • Believe in yourself.
  • Spend time with yourself.
  • Sit relaxed with an upright spine.
  • Take deep breaths.
  • Visualize and feel the effects of positive thoughts.
  • Watch your thoughts.
  • Replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
  • Repeat these steps twice a day at least for  21 minutes.
  • Repeat these steps for the rest of your life.


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