Food tastes better when you eat with your family

Food tastes better. How? When you eat with your family. But why? Do these questions bother you? Then read the post. Do you know how you taste food? How do you and I differ in taste? How do other factors influence taste?

Science of taste

When you can taste the food, then you are living. Otherwise, you are dead. In other words, the ability to eat food is a life-and-death matter. If you fail to taste the food, then you slowly move towards death. You feel food with the help of taste buds. On your tongue, on the roof of your mouth and inside your cheeks. When these taste buds come in contact with food, they send the taste messages to your brain through nerves. Then only you can feel about the quality, temperature, smell, and flavor of the food. Your brains can distinguish the chemical attributes of food after receiving the information provided by the taste buds. Read more at

Why do you differ in taste?

Yes. People differ in test sensitivity, smell sensitivity, and the enjoyment of food due to varying numbers of taste buds. Mildly sensitive tasters have fewer fungiform papillae; so they eat to live. Moderately sensitive tasters live to eat, where highly sensitive tasters having plentiful fungiform papillae love what they like.

Do other factors make a difference in taste?

When you take food in a positive mood, then your brain releases serotonin, so your food tastes sweeter. On the contrary, when you take food with off mood or negative emotions, then your food tastes sour. If you practice mindful eating, your food will taste better. It helps to digest your diet too. Sometimes foods with your favorite colors taste better. Meals, when served in a beautiful plate in a place with the perfect ambiance, feel better.

When you eat food with your family

When your wife cooks food for you, she uses the best hygienic resources and conditions. Her only lookout is how to serve quality tasty foods to you. She selects the best vegetables, fresh fish, and meat for cooking. As she cares for your physical and mental wellbeing, she cooks with love. Anything offered with respect always tastes better.

Moreover eating together gives a sense of togetherness among the family members. So you feel the happiness of love, and you think food tastier too. Eating together strengthens your relationship, as well. Do you know how long you will live depends on how many strong relationships you keep up? Do you remember eating together also helps in the release of day-to-day stress? So you all feel happy. Food tastes better and better when you eat with your family at your house.

What happens when you take food with your family in a renowned hotel?  A famous hotel has a perfect ambiance, food quality, and services. It always cares for its customers. How? It prepares food in such a way that every customer likes its food. They satisfy every customer. So all of you enjoy the food, amenities, and services of the hotel. All of you also enjoy eating together in such an excellent environment.

So we may close, foods taste better when we eat with our family.






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