Thoughts I shared in this lockdown period

Thoughts I expressed here in the form of an imaginary conversation. It shows what I thought in the lockdown. The tree full of green leaves, outside the window, lured me. So I went to the window of my flat. What happened next?


How the tree started talking to me

Then the tree said to me, “We are all happy because of the fresh air – as fresh as a pure smile. Can you hear the birds are singing now their best songs? The sun is smiling, and flowers are blooming with so delight when the sky holds a blue umbrella over us? Can’t you feel our joy? We are all joyful now. But why are you looking so sad?”

How I expressed my panic thoughts

My reply goes like this, “Don’t you see corona is outside? So we are inside. Lakhs of people are dying at hospitals, slums, and streets. No vaccine or medicine is available for people. Don’t you know this virus is dangerous with a high infection rate? So it has panicked us. No one knows when it will go.

My panic starts here. The flat to stay at Kolkata is not ready. But I am going to retire next month. My elder son is working from home at Noida, India. And Noida is a hot spot of the corona. My younger son is in Virginia, USA. And the USA is the next epicenter of the corona. At this juncture, he can not come to India during the summer vacation.

My panic amplifies. How? My 90 years old mother stays at West Midnapore- another hotspot. Moreover, my wife and I take medicines of blood sugar and blood pressure regularly. We are in Asansol – another hotspot. A few days back, my co-brother expired out of kidney problems and corona panic. So how can I look joyful now?”

How the leaves of the tree gave a solution

The leaves of the tree nodded and said, “Let me tell you why you should not panic. Worries give birth to panic. Am I right? Then you must agree that you don’t spend much time in the present moment, rather you like to roam in the future. So you think about what will happen in the future. And you worry much about the future. So worries bring panic.

Let me ask you a question. Can you do anything now?  Can you control everything? Certainly not. Then why are you wasting your time in the future? If you do this, then you are neglecting your present moments where you can find joy. At present, all of you and your relatives are healthy except your sister-in-law, who is in grief. Time will take care of your sister-in-law. You talk to your mother, sons, sister-in-law regularly. If necessary, make use of  Whatsapp video calling. Look at us. We always enjoy the present moments. So you do.”

I know my problems weigh negligible when compared to the issues people of this planet are facing now in pandemic situations. But I shared with all of you. Because I know sharing problems can cut their sizes.

So don’t panic. Enjoy each moment. We don’t know what lies in the next moment.

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