Wisdom that I saw from a football match

Wisdom that I saw from a football match is given at the end of this post. So have patience and read the post.



The football match

I now recall a football match held between our first year and the defending champion fourth year. Our strength was Parimal Das, Supratik Bose, Sujoy Mondal, and R. Joycelyn. Apart from them, the other players were also skilled enough to play as a team.

I will not do justice if I don’t mention that Parimal and Supratik made our defense line too strong to let the opponent break it. Sujoy Mondal and Joycelyn played as center-forwards.

Similarly, I will do an injustice if I don’t talk about the skill of Joycelyn. He was highly skilled in peeling off the defenders of the opponent team. To take full advantage of his talent, we took a strategy to pass the ball to him anyways. Once the ball reached him, he became so agile and fast no opponent player could get him. So quickly, he scored the goal. When the match was moving towards the end when the opponent lost the game, the students of the fourth year started abusing us. We, too, fought with them with our words.

Analysis of the match to see wisdom

Let’s analyze the match that happened inside and outside the ground.

Do you know what happened?

The fourth-year team gave its best. Still, our team outplayed it. So we won the match. The opponents could not take it with ease.  They forgot the fact that one team would win and the other would lose. The most crucial point was they could not accept losing gracefully, although they gave their best in the match. They took the loss to their hearts. So they abused us.

But also we should not have involved ourselves in the fight. But why did we fight? Because we took the win to our head. So we could not balance us. Finally, we reacted to them so badly.

Wisdom I saw

Similar things happen to your life too. Sometimes you win or succeed. Still, the very next moment, you may lose or fail. The point is not how many times you fail. The fact is how many times you try to win. Right now, the most important point is to try to win, again and again, to keep your balance in your head when you win, not to take a loss to your heart.

“Never let a win get to your head or a loss to your heart.”

-Chuck D.


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