Make your investment wisely when you retire

Make your investment wisely when you retire. Let me tell you why.

A few days back, I retired. A retired person depends on interests received from his investments. So I went to SBI, Burnpur, where I have an account.

How SBI Bank helps to make your investment

There I approached the concerned official for making a policy of the Senior citizen Savings Scheme. He at once helped me to make the account. Then he said, “Can you spare 5 minutes for me”?

I thought there was no harm if I spare 5 minutes for a person who helped me to make the policy. He explained in detail about SBI retire smart plan. But I did not commit anything to him. Then I said, “Let me study first.” So I left the bank.

When I read about the plan in detail, I discovered that it’s an SBI life insurance scheme that I don’t need at this moment. I was looking for a policy that would give a good return of interest quarterly.


Then I approached one of the relationship managers of the HDFC bank, where I opened my pension account. I wanted to know about the best Fixed deposit scheme for senior citizens like me. The next day he gave the interest rates of those schemes. But he too offered me to consider another plan that he thinks more attractive than a fixed deposit.

Agent or broker

Another agent came to know that I had recently retired from SAIL-ISP. So he approached me and sent the details of a plan of TATA, AIA, with guaranteed returns. Here I discovered that it’s not beneficial to me too.

Decide to make your investment

Searching and researching the plans in the last few days have educated me. Then I discussed the matter with my friends and well-wishers too. Finally, I discovered that the agents give policies that would serve their interests, not ours. So I decided to go as per my plan of earning more regular interests from my investments.

Call to action

I also request you not to invest your money in plans that don’t serve your purpose. Instead, go for the plans that would serve your purpose. To put it differently, make your investment wisely when you retire.



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