Why do you promote friendship in your lifetime?

Why do you promote friendship in your lifetime? As you read this post, you will come to know the answer.

When you start your work-life journey with your friends, it becomes smooth and easy. But when friends retire one by one, you feel very sad. Today on  April 30, 2019, my friend Kajal Mitra retired from his services at IISCO steel plant. So I felt very bad.

Three days back, I invited him to my office for taking tea and snacks with us. Both of us not only spent our time together but also talked about how we spent our days in Graduate Trainee Hostel, Kulti works and ISP. As a result, It refreshed our memories as well as nourished our souls.

In order to show my gratitude, I dedicate this post to my friend Sri Kajal Mitra. Still, I believe this post that will be published on May 1, 2019, would promote friendship.

Journey of friendship

Both of us started the journey of our work-life at Kulti works. I started mine in Foundry, where Kajal started in Spun pipes. After playing long innings Sri Mitra retires today from CCAS of ISP. I shall retire on May 31, 2020. Both of us spent over 19 years in Kulti township and Evelyn Lodge Township of ISP together.

I shall share two incidents with you only to make you understand the value of friendship.

Helps in friendship

Probably in the year 2007, I and my family members went to Shimla, Kullu, Manali and Rohtang pass to enjoy the vacation. After our return, I and my wife fell sick. Both of us were suffering from acute cough deposited in the lungs. I had to go to the hospital for treatment and stayed there for one week. My wife took the medicines at home. At that time, Sri Mitra and Mrs. Mitra helped a lot. Detailing the help can’t be expressed in words.

In 2017, my elder son met a road accident. You may read the details in the post- Attitude of gratitude- My life learning. We received the news of the accident at 10 AM. on  January 8, 2017, when we were in a picnic at Baranti, Purulia. At once we rushed to Evelyn Lodge. We met Kajal at his quarter, informed him of the accident, and handed over the duplicate keys of our flat to him. My younger son at Durgapur would need the keys.

It was a demonetization time. He helped first by booking a ticket of the train and then handing over a bundle of rupees of twenty thousand. In spite of my hesitation, he just said,” Keep it with you. It will help you in your crisis.”

We rushed to the flat to take food. At the same time, his wife arranged our bag. Both I and my wife rushed to Kolkata. When my son was fighting with multiple fractures and fat embolism in the Intensive care Unit of the Hospital, at Nagpur, he used to take information daily and tell me to keep up calmness. Finally, my son recovered and completed his PGDM degree in 2018. He is now working at Noida. Thanks to God. My sincere thanks to Kajal, all my friends, and all my well-wishers.


I want to take this opportunity to offer my sincere gratitude to Sri Kajal Mitra and his family for helping me in my life journey.

So, friends, I wrote this post advocating for true friendship. I must close with this beautiful quote of Baltasar Gracian.

True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island… to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.”  

You may read similar quotes in https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/baltasar_gracian

Please promote friendship.


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